User inactivity field

Is there a field that shows if a user has been inactive since x time? I see in table licuser has a field lasttime but this to me looks like a field that records the seconds since midnight when the user signed in.


I don’t know where these fields live, but if you can find them, I believe this is what you want.


This is from the User Account Maintenance screen.

The sysuserfile has a field called LastLogOnAttempt that has a datetime for the last log on.

I think that’s the field @jkane was showing.

@lleemon, how are you defining “activity” in this case? Is the question about last log in? Or last “activity” as in, they’re logged in, but their license isn’t really being utilized?

They used to have a User Tracker, I can’t remember if it showed this type of stuff or not. But, I guess its not around anymore so it doesn’t really matter.

EDIT: @lleemon I just saw you were on an older version… do you still have the User Tracker? Does it show the information you need? Again, I can’t remember what all was tracked in there.

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@jkane thanks, I am guessing these are the fields I have found.

@dcamlin great question. Was hoping Epicor has a way to track some way.

So they company has 8 licenses and appears more people are logging in leaving it open not closing so someone asked if some kind of service ran that cleans up (removes older then x hours of ‘inactivity’). Sorry, I am kind of just jumping into Epicor last few years and wasn’t part of when it was setup. Not 100% sure what ‘User Tracker’ is but will poke around and see if can see something.

Since they are not on a service plan they don’t have any manuals and for me I don’t really even know how to admin much with it so it’s easier to create my own stuff via connecting to the SQL Server database.

Consider yourself lucky that you are not on Progress.

Search this site for license useage and you should be able to find some posts. They won’t be relevant for 8, but since you are SQL, you might be able to figure out how to do it through the DB. I want to say it was @JasonMcD who had a good post, but I may not be remembering correctly.

Thanks @jkane . Will check it out.

I am confused. I thought that sql was introduced with Epicor 9 all earlier versions used Progress.

Happy to be corrected on that.

What about the OpenEdge Explorer tool (that’s if your using Progress)… Perhaps that might give you some insights. It may not as I am going to say the application server will be connecting to the database as the service account…

Other option may be the early version of the Administration console (it was not called that then, I just can’t remember what it was called) But it used the Microsoft Management Console.

@Hally , I believe the company had the choice to use SQL as early as 8. Same as you, I would be happy to be corrected, but that was my recollection.

When I used to admin E9 we used to have similar issues, Ended up building a script that restarted the App servers overnight. We made sure we had not long running tasks occurring… It was quite the sledgehammer approach

So new thought, management doesn’t like using the ‘lasttime’ field because that is just when they signed in.

New Question

  1. Are there timestamps in each table that update to latest time when a user makes an update?
  2. If yes to #1, could we key off certain tables update timestamp fields to kind of indicate the user is so called ‘inactive’?
  3. Do you think there is client side approach that could detect if the Epicor app hasn’t been in focus for x minutes?

Appreciate all that provide responses.

They person that was part of the setup that left did have a comment about you still have to install Progress but seems like anything I change in the SQL Server database will update in the Epicor app so feels like SQL Server is the data source.

Some tables have a change date and change time (with the time being seconds from midnight).

Imagine Progress is just like MS Access, in taht that it can be linked to SQL server, all the data is in the SQL db. Progress is the same a a schema holder so yes change SQL and the app will be updated…

Nobody will ever recommend directly updating the database.

Things you can’t do is add a column into sql and expect it to show in the app… That’s why all the tables have those user fields.

Not all.

There’s an idea out there requesting it though (click here to vote):

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@dcamlin agree, in current day I don’t really build a table without a entry dt and modify dt. For debugging it is a must. Wild it isn’t in all tables.

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