V5 - Order Release Problem

After further testing on this problem, the issue deals with
the Keep line consistent check box in the company configuration
for order management is checked. If you uncheck this then
you can add as many releases as you want.

Tim Care
Electro Chemical Finishing

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Care" <ecfmis@...>
To: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 4:40 PM
Subject: [Vantage] V5 - Order Release Problem

> We just came across something in our Ver 5 testing, and
> were wondering if anyone else had seen it. When entering
> Ship Releases against a line, after 16 releases we get the
> following error:
> Attempt to expand record beyond the maximum allowed size (444)
> It then proceeds to kick you out of Vantage, and all of the releases
> that you had entered are gone. We haven't called support yet, and
> were looking for anyone else that had seen this.
> Thanks.
> Tim Care
> Electro Chemical Finishing
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
We just came across something in our Ver 5 testing, and
were wondering if anyone else had seen it. When entering
Ship Releases against a line, after 16 releases we get the
following error:
Attempt to expand record beyond the maximum allowed size (444)

It then proceeds to kick you out of Vantage, and all of the releases
that you had entered are gone. We haven't called support yet, and
were looking for anyone else that had seen this.
Tim Care
Electro Chemical Finishing