V803- Priority Dispatch Report

I found that report very difficult to work with. It uses a datatable
that gets built behind the scenes and its not possible to link other
tables to it in a rational way.

I built a much simpler report that provides my team with a view of
"What we need to work on and in what order" that's driven off of this

for each JobOper where ( JobOper.OpComplete = false) no-lock , each
JobHead where ( JobHead.JobReleased = true AND JobHead.JobClosed =
false) and (JobOper.Company = JobHead.Company and JobOper.JobNum =
JobHead.JobNum) no-lock , each PartWip outer-join where (
PartWip.OpCode = JobOper.OpCode) and (JobHead.Company = PartWip.Company
and JobHead.JobNum = PartWip.JobNum) no-lock by JobOper.JobNum.

I can supply the pieces (BAQ Report XML, BAQ XML, and RPT file)
offline if you want them.


-----Original Message-----
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of nancy.leifheit
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:58 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] V803- Priority Dispatch Report

I have a request to add the following fields to this report:
1) Customer Name
2) Customer PO
3) Customer Part#
4) Ship to address
Any suggestions on which table(s) would best accomplish this?

Thanks in advance


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I have a request to add the following fields to this report:
1) Customer Name
2) Customer PO
3) Customer Part#
4) Ship to address
Any suggestions on which table(s) would best accomplish this?

Thanks in advance