I agree with what everyone has said.
This is what I would like to add, when we are recruiting we are not
accounting package specific we just look for computer accounting in an
manufacturing company, that is the important part. You are trying to find
accounting knowledge. Then we go through the resumes and I have 10 -12
people take a computer accounting test from I believe Hemmingway based on
what competencies we are looking for. I am a huge believer in solving the
problem. What you are telling me is that your company is concerned about
running 1 system so they propose to run 2???? I do not think that will fix
the problem.
Frank Zeigafuse
Innovative Office Products
General Manager
Direct Phone: 610-559-6369
-----Original Message-----
From: James Martin Jr. [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Vantage Accounting Vs Mass90 accounting
Edward is entirely correct, Shirley. If a candidate understands accounting,
working in the Vantage accounting modules will be no problem with just a
couple days of experience. I don't want to imagine the issues that would
come up with a non-integrated GL.
Jim Martin
-----Original Message-----
From: Edward F. Fox, Jr. [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Vantage Accounting Vs Mass90 accounting
If the candidate couldn't use the Vantage accounting modules then you have
the wrong candidate. Vantage is so easy to use that it would blow my mind
if anyone worth hiring couldn't pick it up in a couple of days.
Edward F. Fox, Jr. CPA
Maxson Automatic Machinery Company
Phone 401-596-0162 * Fax 401-596-1050
-----Original Message-----
From: Shirley Graver [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 9:27 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage Accounting Vs Mass90 accounting
Management has requested of me to examine the viability of "Breaking Off"
Vantage accounting and migrating it to a Mass90 accounting package and
running the two packages separately. The reason is: finding "Experience" in
the Vantage Accounting module is difficult and applicants appear to be used
to Mass90 accounting. I would VERY much appreciate candid comments.
Shirley Graver
Systems Administrator
Rubber Associates Inc
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