Vantage splitting hours on labor edits

We are a custom manufacturer of large vessels for transportation of
waste and are building complex and government regulated products.
One unit may have as many as 40 subassemblies and the travelers may
take months to prepare. We have about one half of our employees using
data collection and have had no problems up til now. We have
several "people" work centers and use a fully burdened rate in the
employee master file. We use the burden in vantage for our machine
work centers' hourly rate. We ran this setup by two different
consultants and they agreed it would work. The problem now is, that
for the first time, the labor edits for two employees working on the
same job, assembly, operation ID, and work center had the hours
split. This has never happened before to our knowledge. The hours
reported charged to the cost objectives always equaled the pay
hours. I have spent a lot of time in the vantage help and can find
nothing about how to solve this. Vantage support has not provided
much except, "Therefore, Vantage split the labor hours between the 2
employees." We want multiple people working on the same jobs,
assembly, sequence etc. Has anyone found a way around this without
editing each employee record? We are on v4.00.904 soon going to v5.
Any ideas? You may email me offline at dittog@....