Web service license vs normal API license

What is the difference code wise using the web service license vs a normal user API license when accessing the REST API?

Switching all our code over to the web service license and I’m hoping it’s not a major change.

1 line of code if I remember correctly:

EpicorRest.License = EpicorLicenseType.WebService;

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Thats it? Dang.

I make curl requests with PHP. I’ll have to figure out where that gets added to the request.

From: License Type Utilization in Kinetic/ERP

Q: How does Web Service licensing work?

A: Web Service (sometimes referred to as simply Service) licensing is a special license designed for integration. The main way to use this license type is by using Epicor Service Connect. The way it works is as follows:

  • If a Service license is requested, then Epicor will check to see the number of Service licenses allowed
  • If the Epicor system has no Service licenses, then a Default license is used, and it follows the standard behavior (see above for an explanation of how this works).
  • If there is at least one Service license, then Epicor will allocate a WebService license to the session.
  • If there is at least one Service license, but they are all In Use, then Epicor will allocate a WebServiceShared license to the session. A WebServiceShared license is a special license that will allow processing, but with a 20-second penalty. This penalty is applied to every Business Object call.

What is the deal on the 20 second penalty?

Is it like, I can’t make a call every second, I have to wait 20 seconds?

Which is fine. Just wondering the story on it.

If you have one session that’s active, you’re fine. It’s sessions, not calls. But when you start adding new sessions AND you run out of available licenses, then each call will trigger the delay.

I am assuming that if someone were to write a program in such a way that they were trying to buy a single web service license and use it for everyone, this takes care of that. IIRC, the Web Service license was created for ServiceConnect, well before REST appeared in the product.

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