What is the expected behavior for Crystal Reports report style when accessed via Kinetic on the web?

This weekend was our upgrade and a new option appeared, “Try Kinetic in the browser”.

We still have Crystal Reports in use here. I know, I know. But we do.

I spent all weekend fixing various “fun” issues with upgrading the Crystal Reports viewer in all of my smart clients. I would love to stop using the smart client. But when I try to print preview a report using a report style tied to one of my Crystal Reports, it does nothing in the Kinetic in the browser option.

Is it supposed to work? Is there further configuration I need to do to make it work?

I think if you install the Epicor Edge Client on your worstations - Kinetic is supposed to try and use the local Smart Client files?

Have you tried that? I could be wrong.

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Sorry i believe it is the the Epicor Edge Agent (not client).


I haven’t tried this but I’m ready and willing to try anything out. Where would you find this Epicor Edge Agent? I’m not seeing it in my downloads on Epicweb but I could be looking in the wrong location.

Is this what you are referring to?


Search your help for “Install Edge Agent”.


You may have to install the latest runtime something above 2011… If I recall @jgiese.wci we installed maybe 2018 or 2020+ from SAP Website.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Invalid Crystal Runtime Error

I’m Smart client and dedicated tenant, your experience may vary. The error you are showing is what I would receive on an upgraded Kinetic but not upgrade CR runtime machine.

After the first installation (using Task manager, run task as Administrator on the CR13sp34MSI32_0-80007712 (32 bits).MSI ) I would get a different error, which would require me to do a reinstall of the same process (using Task manager again, re-run as admin, choose Reinstall option) which would then make it work. This is just for Smart Client machines though, and was not related to the question I asked, which is about Kinetic in the Browser running on one of those machines - which at the moment does nothing. I will be invetigating using the proposed fix to see if it fixes things for me. My thought is if you are using the Agent already, go find the machine you are running the Agent on and make sure that machine has its CR runtime updated (do the 2 install dance, I superstitiously always ran it after the 1st one and let it fail to generate, in case that was important to it actually working after the reinstall)

We’re finding that the Crystal Reports for Advanced MES don’t work with the new runtime. :sob:

That’s a huge bummer

Followed the directions, things seemed to go OK. Agent is installed on my laptop. Right click and open diagnostics page, can print the test PDF to my printers.

I try a crystal report and get an error, though. I get this in the log. This is the name of the crystal report it is trying to print.

fail: 8/27/2024 3:37:26 PM -07:00 Edge.Informants.ClientPrinting.ClientPrintingInformant [0] Unable to validate call for the message Edge.Informants.ClientPrinting.Messages.CrystalReportPrintRequest. Error Bad Request{“HttpStatus”:400,“ReasonPhrase”:“REST API Exception”,“ErrorMessage”:“Invalid path ‘SOAFormAndy2.rpt’.”,“ErrorType”:“Ice.BLException”,“ErrorDetails”:[{“Message”:“Invalid path ‘SOAFormAndy2.rpt’.”,“Type”:“Error”,“Program”:“Ice.Services.Lib.FileTransfer.dll”,“Method”:“DownloadFile”,“ColumnNumber”:13,“LineNumber”:37}],“CorrelationId”:“da108265-f32e-4f3a-9ef7-50a09f700d6b”}

Not sure what step I missed?

Mr. Aaron: I doubt you missed a step. I was hoping that since Crystal works from the Smart Client that It would work from the Kinetic UI with the Edge Agent installed. It appears that is not supported anymore. The “Invalid Path . . .” to me says Crystal not supported anymore.

There are other more learned people than me on this forum and maybe they can offer some workaround. Sorry - it looks like an upgrade to SSRS is in your future :slight_smile:

Resistance is Futile!

I have not been stumped yet converting Crystal to SSRS - it can be done - however - it is a pain.

Have a great day.

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Nah, sounds like they didn’t finish some work somewhere.

They’ve done a bit of work with reports on the backend.

My guess is an oversight in the programming or the configuration on the back end.

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This path has something to do with it.


I think after the Holiday weekend next week I’ll log a ticket and try to sort this all out. I think both support and I need a break from each other at this point :wink: Thanks for your help everyone

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