Why is my button grayed out?

I am trying to understand why my button is grayed out on some quotes and the standard epicor one is not.

the tool is ep bound to QuoteHed.PrintFormTool same as the standard tool.
I got around this by removing the binding but I am not sure if that was the best way. I am new to kinetic so any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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I don’t think you can print a Quote if it is not marked as “Quoted”


This is correct. Quotes need to be Quoted and PO’s need to be Approved in order to print them.


Oh, this was true for Classic as well. It is not new to Kinetic.

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The quote is quoted and won

and it is still printable because the standard print button is still enabled.

Right. It has been quoted so it can be printed. Can you find Quoted ones that you cannot print?

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My button on that quote is grayed out. It should not be.

I was confused by this.

Do you have any Quoted but NOT won quotes that you cannot print? Wonder if Won is affecting this too… :thinking:

Pretty sure there is a KB on this explanating why…

Yes, quotes that are quoted and not won or lost I can print with my custom button.

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Can anybody explain how this works and how it is tied to a button. PrinFormTool is not a field in qoteHed

What I did yesterday to tie a shape to behavior in another field through a row rule was to set the binding of that shape (your PrinFormTool) to DataView.MyShape and then it was available for me to select as a field when setting up my row rule.

Try binding your button to {YourDataView}.PrinFormTool, maybe? May not work the same for a button as it did for my shape that didn’t need to be bound to anything like a database field.

If I re-open the quote, my button becomes available.

You Got This Monday GIF by Kwanza Jones


It should be available weather it is closed or open, it only cares if the quote is quoted or not. That is how the out of the box print button works. I would like to know why it is doing this. Is there something I am missing or is this a bug?

Not sure if this is what you’re looking for:

On the Quote page, if you look at Properties > Advanced > Tools… you can then choose “toolQuoteHedPrintForm” out of the list.

The Ep Binding for that tool is set to “QuoteHed.PrintFormTool” so then a data rule can be created to change style settings on that tool using that binding.

This is what @d_inman mentioned in his above post:

So, your earlier question:

It doesn’t have to be a “field”… its just an assigned binding to an object so you can use that reference to manipulate it with your rule.

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anyway that is what I am doing. I have it bound to customPrintForm and then I create a rule withe a condition on quoted = false and set the settings.disabled to cutomPrintFormTool and it is still behaving this way.


Its hard to say why your button is reacting differently from the stock button. I did notice in you screen capture above that the rule you’re showing is disabled. Should it be?

No, it should be enabled. It still reacts the same way.

Do you want your button to always be enabled? Not matter what? Is that the end goal?

The original button is linked to QuoteHed. I’m just wondering if there are some background logic happening to records on QuoteHed that we’re not accounting for.

What happens if you bind your button to TransView instead? That’s where the Save, Refresh, Search (etc.) tools are bound and they’re always active.