Hello ,i am new to this forum and i require assistance with EPICOR ,version 10.2
am i in the right place ?
Yes - right forum
No - posting an unrelated question in an existing topic (mods feel free to split this off).
Here’s what I’ve learned over 5 years:
This forum is run by some awesome volunteers, not by Epicor. So nobody OWES you any help, but they are very good at GIVING help.
There are some really awesome Epicor employees here who are the main reason customers stay with Epicor. Be nice to them and you’ll be surprised how much they can help.
Always search for answers on this forum before asking a question. If you have not looked up at least 5 threads before asking a question, you’re not doing your part!
Once you decide to ask a question, choose the right section
In the subject line, describe your problem as clearly as possible. In the body of your topic, describe what you’re trying to do, why it needs to be done, and what you have tried so far.
Don’t take moralizing old guys like me too seriously
You are now, got you moved to where you need to be.
But you can call him Shirley.
In addition, this is a place where you can ask questions when you have exhausted your other appropriate resources - and we’ll be happy to help - but this forum is not a substitute for Epicor Education classes, the Epicor Learning Center, Epicor Professional Services, or utilizing an Epicor consulting resource.
We surely complete the education in many topics!
Hello Guys thanks for your allowing me to ask questions on this group ,i am new new to Epicor .
this morning i need to find out the meaning of Voided i have booked in 18pcs and 33 have been voided, i am trying to find out how this was voided and what was the reason ,please see below
Hi Kissendra,
There may be other ways, but one way a purchase order release can become voided is if a user closes it manually without receiving. Yours looks like it might’ve been a partial receipt and then a user closed the release. If you have change log turned on for the PO release records and you are tracking when a PO release is closed and voided, it would look like below. Here is where you can see the date / time/ and personnel who closed / voided it.
One other thing, I am not sure, perhaps someone else here can clarify or you can test out - if on receipt a user clicks received complete for a partial receipt, does system close the release leaving quantity on there/void?
Hello Nancy ,sorry for my late response ,and sharing this valuable information ,this has helped me to resolve my current query .
thank you very much
I’m glad your problem was solved by @Nancy_Hoyt as part of the forum etiquette if someone solved your problem give them the solution so they get credit for helping you and others can find the answer easier. Thank you! and welcome aboard