Any issues with running 10.1.500.14 on Server 2016 besides it not being fully supported by Epicor yet?
I found the missing features that were included in the app server role in 2012 and installed them, then the install seemed to go fine.
I was able to install 10.1.500.16 Demo database on a Test server running Windows Server 2016 w/o any installation issues. UI forms launch and SSRS reports seem to work fine. The one issue inside the Application is running the Online Help. Windows Search Service (in general this seems to be an issue with Server 2016) may be related to the Help not working. I have tried installing the Help in various ways, but always get the same results. See attached below…
I have nothing constructive for this conversation but I noticed your name
and wanted to thank you for the very helpful videos I used to get myself up
to speed on the eve of my E10 adventure.
Thank Chris and Thomas,
I decided not to try pushing ahead with 2016. I hadn’t run into any problems, but didn’t want the possibility of Epicor blaming some unrelated issue on 2016.
I was active on the Epicor User Group forum, but now I’ll be doing my posting here. I hope to make some contributions.