2022.2.8 - "Due to security settings or module licensing process is unavailable."

I think this is a bad idea. I think they need a section for MES. EA folder in my opinion should be restricted by default, not open.

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@klincecum your suggestion of having an MES folder would work too. I just need a solution where I don’t have to create custom buttons in MES or give the users access to Sales Management >Order Management > General Operations.

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I just discovered something interesting…I resolved the Kinetic MES Part Tracker not opening by simply copying the base layer (made no changes) and saving/publishing it as a new custom layer - then adding the custom layer to the MES (Shop Floor) Process in Menu Maintenance. I didn’t have to go the route of creating a new button…of course this was after I had spent time figuring out how to create the new button. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: this doesn’t change in a future release and break again!

Just checking - people that are having issues with MES security - are you aware of this menu?


When loading it for the first time, it asks if you want to Initialize MES Menu security. I haven’t checked into it but my gut feel is that the MES buttons are checking for whether this MES Menu Security has been initialized, if so use these permissions - else default to the usual Menu Security.

We already had Handheld / MES Menu Security Maintenance Enabled with no Groups/User allowed access - except Security Managers. Since we were having issues with the Kinetic MES button security but not with Classic - I am going to say this is not the cause.

Update: The fix I initially did of just copying the Kinetic Layer and not making any changes stopped working. I ended up having to create a new button for Part Tracker like @Ernie . I mapped the new button to Executive Analysis Part Tracker and then hid the original button.

Has anyone had this issue on the customer page? We have users at random getting this error. I can remap the menu item in the Smart Client and it works. However, I continue to get the error in Kinetic/browser even when I delete the home screen tile and remap it. And the error is very vague. We’ve had a ticket open with support for several months with no resolution.


Yes, we’re seeing this a lot, especially in Customer. Support is not helpful.

I’ve had sporadic screens pop up with this error for various users. I have found that if you open the form in Application Studio… you don’t have to do anything… just open it in Application Studio and then close it… it magically starts working.

Other things to try:

  • Delete browser cache (sometimes after an update, the browser is using older images of the form and clearing cache may force reloading). Works… sometimes.
  • If you have custom layers, you can try re-publishing them. Again, you don’t have to make changes, just open them in App Studio and republish. Works… sometimes.

Would like to hear if this is effective for others. Trying to determine most effective corrective measure.


Sometimes that does work for us. More often though, we have to run Conversion 191, which requires everyone to be out of the system. Sometimes we have to run this several times per day. I really wish they’d work on the root causes instead of providing bandaids for bandaids.

This application studio suggestion is what Support told us to do. However, much of our team does not have access to Application Studio, so we have to turn on/off permissions. I’ll try the other suggestions too.

It just takes one person to do it… it doesn’t need to be that specific user.

I have sales guys that come to me and they can’t get into a screen (Customer for example).

I open it in App studio… close it… and then it starts working for them. THEY don’t have to be the one to open App Studio. … at least in my experience thus far.

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We use Conversion 191 a lot as well. Our Client Partner at Epicor told us we shouldn’t need to run it as much as we do… thus we’ve started pushing this with support, specifically with customer entry errors. 191 fixes the customer entry error temporarily but users randomly still experience it. I don’t think the Application Studio suggestion for Support is feasible either because of everyone’s permissions. And so it continues…

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Very interesting. @spaceage and I had this thread that somewhat covers that. I had the undefined today, but it wasn’t just a tile, nobody could open par tracker.

I just tried this about 5 times before I could get Customer working again for one of our sales guys. Cleared the cache several times too. Thank you very much.

I made this Function (Library) and schedule the function to run every night (it’s conversion 191).

It’s mostly eradicated the issue… though I had one user hit the {{strings}} thing today.

Anyway, there it is, if it helps.

ConversionWorkbench.efxb (16.1 KB)


I read through this whole thread … and wow, you guys are awesome for pushing this with support! We’ve had the {{Strings}} issue happen plenty of times and just kept running Conversion 191 until it cleared everything up. We will try ctrl + alt + i next time.

It seems like the undefined error we keep randomly getting on Customer entry may be related too. I have to open app studio for it to clear. We eventually (today) ran 191 because I was having to open App studio every 15 minutes.

We are already on 2023.2.11 so we may need to wait until June. I’m going to refer support this PRB. Thanks for the help!

@JasonMcD What version are you on? Wondering if this would work with 2023.2. And thank you so much for sharing.

2022.2.25. All I did was call the BO for conversion 191. Then I schedule it. Should be universally functional.

Finally got a PRB on this – PRB0279040. From Epicor support – The Kinetic Cache somehow gets corrupted, and selecting Base in Application Studio Refreshes the Kinetic App. Hopefully this gets cleared up in 2024.1, when it is scheduled for release.