A Tale of Ghost Prints

I absolutely LOVED seeing this! Thank you for the laugh on a Friday. I have attached a screen shot of what I have just to see if I need to change anything.
Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 9.39.44 AM

Uuuh, which part are you laughing at?? :smile: Just making sure… :thinking: LOL

I wouldn’t think you would want Work Station Method blank… I wonder if you set it to the appropriate setting (for us it is Machine Name + Domain User) if that might make all your problems DIssssaaaaapppppeeeeaaaaarrrr… :rainbow: :butterfly:

LOL Just kidding…it’s probably something else but that might help… :person_shrugging:

I was definitely laughing at the Star Wars intro. Really made me chuckle here! :rofl: It is hard to tell what the “appropriate” setting would be for Work Station Method. I can try different settings just to see what happens. I will keep you updated! Thank you for all your help so far.

Whew! :sweat_smile:

Great! Keeping my fingers crossed that helps! :crossed_fingers: Gotta Bust them Ghosts every now and then! Just don’t cross the streams! :wink: :ghost:


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HAHA! Thank you for the movie references today. Quick question though, what is the difference between Client Printing Only, and Client and Server Printing?

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This post might be good to read to best answer that question. I wonder too if that setting might be a problem depending on how you have other items, mentioned in the article below (like Printer Maintenance), setup…

Oh boy. I better go get some coffee for this read! Thank you very much and I will keep you updated on what the solution is/was, if we ever find it. :mag:

archer supervisor GIF

Total Protonic Reversal

side note: I was looking for an image to go with it, this was too good not to share:

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@hmwillett LMBO! :rofl:



I went ahead and added the appropriate tag to the thread.

Dumpster fire sounds about right. Welcome to IT.
Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 11.08.05 AM

Oh good… You don’t want anyone to miss this one :fire:


You’re gonna be busy, there’s a LOT more posts that need that tag.

music video 80s GIF by Apple Music

Seems like I’m not the only one that likes a good story :slight_smile:

Isn’t that a documentary??


I would definitely fix your workstation method. But you say they print - so actually go to the printer without popping up on anyone’s screen?
What’s your EpicorData directory look like? And EpicorData\Reports, I typically would have an auto-cleanup to delete old items here, but be vewy vewy careful to list your potential deletes a few times and be sure no one’s using it as archive.
What do your printers look like? Are they installed on both App Server and Task Agent server? or are you using server printers (can’t recall if that was in 10.2 yet). Is it always the same printers?
What about your retention settings in system monitor/agent?

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When I changed the Workstation Method, no one was able to print anything! I had to change it back. Our managed ERP vendor did notice that we had 2 versions of the SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET framework. One is for 32 bit, the other is for 64 bit. We are thinking this could be the issue. Maybe the version we have just needs to be uninstalled and updated to a newer version. Just wanted to keep everyone in the loop. Doubt this will happen to anyone else, but I wanted to document what we are trying and the outcomes of said solutions.

Which settings did not allow them to print? Did you try multiple options? Did the jobs process through system agent but never popped up on user screens? I’m assuming users started new sessions as they’d have to know that setting to pass the right info.
Curiouser and curiouser. Both versions of Crystal Runtime shouldn’t make a difference in my experience.

Are these usernames supposed to match? I am so confused. Are we thinking that this could possibly be an issue if they do not match? Epicor is also saying that in the Max Concurrent Tasks field should be set to at least 20 and I cannot see that anywhere. Just trying to figure it all out.