Add a comment to Operation Comments

My company wants to have a statement added to the warehouse pick operation.

There are already comments, so I have to append this statement.

Is there a way to add a carraige return character so the statement would print on the next line?


If you are using the DMT and uploading via a spreadsheet (either CSV or XLSX), Excel sees CHAR(10) as a line feed. Use the CONCATENATE formula, and put that between the text strings you want on separate lines

=CONCATENATE(“text string 1”,CHAR(10),“text string 2”)

If you are just entering the data within the text box in the comment field, if a carriage return doesn’t break the line, try Alt-Enter or Ctrl-Enter.


One thing to watch if you embed a linefeed character in the Epicor data–If
you query out the data and paste it to Excel it can break the line there,
too, and everything from that point on the data row will be shown starting
at the first column in the next Excel row.

That situation might never come up, but you’ll know it’s there.

Another way is to separate the comments by another set of characters (maybe
“||”) and change the report to insert a line break at run time.

But it’s more work.
