Adding table fields to Kinetic form

Does anyone have any idea on how to add fields to Kinetic forms? For example, I am trying to add a couple of labor detail fields (LaborDtl.LaborNote and LaborDtl.RRNum_C) to the Kinetic Job closing screen.
I have created a data view to include the LaborDtl table, added text boxes and added the EpiBinding for the respective fields. I end up with blank text boxes. I’m thinking that I need to add an event but don’t know where to start. Would anyone be willing to assist?


Create an event that fires after GetByID for the trigger.
You can find more details about configuring the REST widget here:
Epicor Kinetic- rest-erp - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

Kinetic Event, accessing GetById erp-rest response…do I really need to use a view mapping in this simple case? - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

Plenty of posts out there around configuring REST for Kinetic that should get you to where you need. Obviously, you will need to modify it to suit your LaborDtl needs.

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