We have several RB to excel procedures. The ones that work the smoothest
use RB export to a CSV files in c:\vntgwork. Then an excel workbook is
opened with links to the csv files. When excel prompts to update the data
the answer is no because excel can't update from a csv. A macro is run that
opens each csv which updates the data. The macro also takes care of pivot
tables or sorts etc. When the macro finishes the spreadsheet that is open
shows the data we're looking for. Step by step instructions are included in
the workbook for modifing the RB filter, exporting and running the macro.
use RB export to a CSV files in c:\vntgwork. Then an excel workbook is
opened with links to the csv files. When excel prompts to update the data
the answer is no because excel can't update from a csv. A macro is run that
opens each csv which updates the data. The macro also takes care of pivot
tables or sorts etc. When the macro finishes the spreadsheet that is open
shows the data we're looking for. Step by step instructions are included in
the workbook for modifing the RB filter, exporting and running the macro.
On 18 Oct 00, at 8:42, Wendy Pursche wrote:
To: "Vantage egroups list" <vantage@egroups.com>
From: "Wendy Pursche" <wpursche@...>
Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:42:14 -0400
Send reply to: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Another RB export question
> I am exporting my RB data into Excel successfully now! Thanks! But I have
> another question.
> Everytime I export the data does it have to overwrite the data into the Excel
> file I'm exporting it too?! I have a spreadsheet set up with numerous
> calculations and would rather not have to recreate it everytime I export data.
> I would like to just dump the RB info. into my set up spreadsheet. Also, I am
> creating this for someone else and this person does not understand RB. I would
> like to have her do it herself on a weekly basis, at her discretion. Would I
> have to show her the basics of RB exporting or would she be able to do it from
> Excel?
> Thanks!
> Wendy Pursche
> Network Administrator
> Schmald Tool & Die, Inc.
> (810) 743-1600 ext.323
> wpursche@...
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