Application Studio - Launch Options for Method Tracker

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with the launch options but I’m trying to launch method tracker for a part selected on a dashboard.

My button is set to launch using these options (shared screen recording below as well):

    "type": "Ice.Lib.Framework.LaunchFormOptions",
    "options": {
        "valueIn": {
            "PartNum": "{CCCCPartsListing_0_0.Part_PartNum}",
            "RevisionNum": "{CCCCPartsListing_0_0.PartRev_RevisionNum}",
            "AltMethod": "{CCCCPartsListing_0_0.PartRev_AltMethod}"

I tried passing only the part number over but that didn’t work either. It appears to be requiring the part rev which I’ve specified in the launch options above.

    "options": {
        "valueIn": "{CCCCPartsListing_0_0.Part_PartNum}"


Have you checked out these?

^ Launch Form Stuff

How To: Kinetic - Launch a Form using App Studio - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (
^ Specific post showing multiple values.

I did read that and found it super helpful! Thank you for putting the time into that thread! The difference I see in how you handle multiple values is yours is separated by curly brackets and I separated the values by using a comma. I’ll give the curly brackets a try for these options.

Curly brackets didn’t make a difference :frowning: I’ll mess with it again tomorrow. I’ve spent all day working on this dashboard in application studio and my brain is starting to melt :melting_face:

You may have to create a layer on Method Tracker, create an event “After” Form_OnLoad, then set your input values to KeyFields.PartNum and KeyFields.RevisionNum (change names appropriately), then add an event-next widget and set the ID to Execute_GetByID.

Then, in the calling app, specify the layer in the app-open widget.

Okay–this was stupid, not going to lie, lol.

Try this (adjust names and values as needed):


	"options": {
		"valueIn": [
				"partNum": "{PartRev.PartNum}"
				"revisionNum": "{PartRev.RevisionNum}"

Method Tracker Layer

row-update values:
EpBinding: KeyFields.PartNum
Expression: %session.context.initialValueIn.ValueIn.options.valueIn[0].partNum%

EpBinding: KeyFields.RevisionNum
Expression: %session.context.initialValueIn.ValueIn.options.valueIn[1].revisionNum%

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I tested the launch options that didn’t work yesterday in the test environment and it works! So the issue seems specific to the dashboard/application studio in the prod env. This particular dashboard broke in production so I’m creating the new layer which is having the issue described here. I think something is corrupt with this dashboard if that’s possible. I’m going to try starting over on a new dashboard altogether and link a copy of the existing BAQ. Too many wonky things keep happening.

Oh, it for sure is… Happens all the time.

You could export your layer from test and pop it in production if it’s working in test.
Make sure to delete the layer out of production first as I’ve had issues overwriting with a solution.

Jeez they need to fix that crap. Not a good bug to have!

I mean… at this point I just expect something to go wrong.
Keeps my blood pressure lower. :rofl:


Hello, do you have any idea how to send back a result and automatically close a Kinetic layer? The 'app.close’doesn’t work in this situation.