BAQ Report filter by UD field

Hello, I’m trying to filter a baq report by a UD field I’ve added to the OrderHed table. I’ve come across a few posts on the subject from Haso regarding context menu customizations, but as is the norm, his explanations are above my head.

Would anyone happen to have an example or doc that spells out the process in detail?

Thank you for reading.

Ah, don’t let it get you down, @hkeric.wci 's explanations are often above a lot of our heads :rofl:

Let me see if I’m understanding this correctly, you want to filter the results of a baq report based on conditions of a ud field you placed on the orderhed table, correct?

If so what type of condition, field etc?

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Haha, yeah if I allowed getting lost in the explanations of smarter people here get me down, I’d have expired from severe depression by now!

So yes, I have a UD field that holds the name of the customer service rep on our orders. They want a custom scheduled shipment report that they can filter by CSR. As an aside, I could not use the userID field as we often have non-CSR’s sharing the data entry workload so a UD dropdown field was my next best idea.

Sticking with the low IQ theme I have running here, I’ll just grunt and point at images :rofl:

I would like this field:


As interesting as it would be to learn how to do this, I think I can accomplish the same result with an option field in this case. I’m just going to go with initials instead of full name in the dropdown and the CSR’s can manually type their initials if they want it ‘filtered’.

I think what happens I rush. When I had more time, I could form a good response, read it, modify it… Now when I see a small window. I feel like im just slapping jibberish together. Thats why I stay away, until the summer is over. Then I can hopefully get back to in-depth discourse again.

GPT Help!!:
When I rush, I believe that is when things go awry. With ample time, I am able to craft a well-thought-out response, review and revise it as needed. However, in instances where time is limited, I find myself hastily assembling nonsensical words. This is precisely why I choose to refrain from engaging until the summer concludes. By then, I anticipate being able to resume engaging in thorough and meaningful discussions once more.

First of all, if this is a new BAQ Report, consider using the new method

The big difference is that BAQ Reports run the BAQ (wide open) and then post-filter either with a CTE or in the .rdl on SSRS. While the new Method lets you join BAQs to BAQs together as well pass in BAQ @Parameters

More Info by @JeffLeBert the Godfather of SSRS:

If it is an existing one, you would start by modifying the BAQ that the BAQ Report uses, and adding your column to it. You should be able to find plenty of Filtering Case Studies on BAQ Reports, perhaps even better in the Epicor Application Help (Classic) or the Customizations User Guide with Pictures.


Thanks, Haso…I’ll check that out.

BTW, don’t make any changes to how you interact here based on my failure to understand, I barely keep my head above water with this platform and am in no way representative of the average user. I’m sure most here understand what you’re saying just fine, I’m the exception not the rule.

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I was just being tongue in cheek. I’m usually quite happy with what I read from you. :tada: