It seems the record is visible in Time Phased Inquiry, but one is not able to delete via this program. It does not appear there is a DMT or a conversion that fits the need of deleting a PartDtl record tied to a PO line.
The reason for wanting to delete the PartDtl record is there is a PO Line that has incorrect data that we are trying to delete (there are no receipts tied to the PO), but cannot with this record in the DB.
Or is the “unofficial” answer it is ok to delete via SQL?
To the best of my ability I do not believe there is any labor associated with this PartDtl record, instead it was created from a PO release. This is why the system does not allow the deletion of the PO line, even though there are no receipt or PartTran records.
Ah, correct, sorry I got it confused with the LaborPart record. Here is yours: PartDtl : Part Detail. Contains all of the open demand and supply records.
Seems like there must be a driving record either supply or demand. The record should help you pinpoint the source. Perhaps sharing the fields from the record in question will help spark some thoughts.
I have seen PartDtl be corrupted. I put in a ticket and Epicor sent a fix to get rid of the bogus line. (Which is basically an Epicor-blessed SQL delete…)
For me it was a job mtlSeq that was like -9995 (negative!).