BOM Cost Report Calc Problem

Has anyone else run into a problem with the bill of materials cost report not calculating costs properly when a quantity of a component of an assembly is anything less than 1 per assembly? We have part A which has components B,C,D, etc… component D (shipping tray) is only .001 qty per assembly A since many assemblies can fit onto a tray. On the BOM Cost report it shows that the qty is only .001 but it shows the total cost of the tray. By the end of the report it shows 1 assembly costs way more than it should because its using the total cost for the tray, not .001 of the cost. This shipping tray is used with multiple assemblies we have and the quantity per assembly is different. Can Epicor BOM Cost report not account for this? Do we just have this setup wrong? It seems like the BOM Cost report should show only .001 of the total cost of the shipping tray

I’m facing the same question right now. Did you figure it out?

We haven’t 100% solved all of our BOM cost issues but I’m gotten better results by setting a costing lot size in part maintenance for each part. I used the quantity of parts that go into 1 box to ship. I spent a lot of time playing around with this in costing workbench. After setting a costing lot size in part maintenance (Part tab > Sites > detail) I would go into costing workbench and create a cost group to test a cost rollup. When setting up the group I check the box load costing lot sizes. I then go to actions and load the cost details. I filter for the specific I’m working on part before processing this. When I pull in the finished part, purchased parts, burden rates, and labor rates to costing workbench then I would put a zero cost on the manufactured finished part, adjust the costs on purchased parts and rates to what they should be. I would then run a cost rollup to see how the costs flow upward. Like I said, we haven’t solved all of the weird costing issues but I’ve gotten a lot better results messing with costing lot sizes so costs for fractional components are stretched out over more parts when doing cost rollup.