BPM QuoteDtl.Update giving me an unexpected message V8.03.409C


Wondering if anyone has seen this before.

If I add a query condition to a Quote.Update BPM, I am getting the following error message

Exception caught in: Epicor.Mfg.BO.Quote

Error Detail
Message: The field ttQuoteDtl.AnalysisCdDescription does not have a valid data type.
Type: Error
Program: bo/DynamicQuery.p
Method: buildTempTable
Table: SelectedField

Stack Trace
   at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.QuoteImpl.Update(QuoteDataSet ds)
   at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters.QuoteAdapter.Update()
   at Epicor.Mfg.UI.App.QuoteEntry.Transaction.Update()

*** Here are my BPM details for the Quote.Update method directive

PreProcess Condition: 

ttQuoteDtl.OrderQty field has been changed from any top any  (this is OK, no error)


number of rows in the "QtyCheck" query is not less than 1

-- QtyCheck query details:

---- for each ttQuoteDtl no-lock  where  ttQuoteDtl.OrderQty = ttQuoteDtl.SellingExpectedQty

-------- (when this condtion is added, the ttQuoteDtl.AnalysisCdDescription error is generated after saving a quote change)

PreProcess Action:

Show informational message

*** end BPM details

The "ttQuoteDtl.AnalysisCdDescription"error only displays when I add a condition that uses a

condition like "number of rows in the designed query is not equal less than 1.

The error will then pops up when I save the quote.. after any field is changed.

Experiemented with a post process directive & getting the same behavior.

Thanks in advance