It seems that from a case I opened with Epicor about the comparison of the CustCnt table’s and the VendCnt table’s CreateDate fields, that no code exists in Epicor to update the CreateDate field in VendCnt. Contrary, there is code that updates the CreateDate field in CustCnt when a new contact is added.
They suggested I create a BPM to update the field in VendCnt. So, that is exactly what I set out to do. I began by creating a post-processing under Erp.Vendor.GetNewVendCnt. I added custom code to update CreateDate in the temporary table ttVendCnt. The syntax checks out okay as does the validation process; however, it is not updating the field in the database. It seems simple and straightforward, but apparently I am missing something. Here is the code:
foreach (var ttVendCnt in ds.VendCnt)
ttVendCnt.CreateDate = DateTime.Today;