Baby BPM developer trying to learn how to crawl.
I need to update the Orderhed.NeedByDate when the JobHead.ReqDueDate is changed. I have created a Post Processing Method Directive. I put in a couple simple condition checks, but now I am stuck. A tt.OrderHed table is not created(obviously?) so I don’t think I can accomplish this using the basic Setters, my guess is that I will need to use custom code.
Is custom code the best direction? If so, what resources would you recommend. I have access to EpicWeb but my searches have not produced anything helpful. Any code examples would be greatly appreciated.
In Pre-Processing, check if there is a change to JobHead.ReqDueDate and enable enable Post Processing.
In Post Processing you will check if it was enabled by Pre-Processing and then:
- Get the Order Number from JobProd
- Use SalesOrder.GetByID BO Method Call to get the Order
- Update the OrderHed.NeedByDate as well as the OrderHed.UpdateReleases (could be slightly different as this was from memory).
- Set OrderHed.RowMod = “U”.
- Use the SalesOrder.Update BO Method to save.
However, if the Job is tied to an order, it is likely only tied to one Release (potentially many releases though). You only need to update the release in step 3.
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Thanks for the help Jason. I tried to set a variable to the OrderNum but I get “There are no records in the table ttJobProd”. Thanks.