Can you do a PO with just misc charges i.e. no inventory lines

We need to get some parts drilled but when we create a PO and add just a misc charge we can;t print it/generate a PDF.

We don’t want to go down the subcontract route as that would mean having two different part numbers.

You could do a PO to Other and use a dummy part number called “drilling” or something similar. You’d then “receive” it in and be able to invoice it. However if you want to be able to track the costs against a job or part you would have to add custom fields or comments.

I’m not sure I get why you can’t use subcontracts though. You can have a subcontract operation on a part’s bill of operations without needing another part number. If this is a situation where the drilling is the only thing happening to the part, then it sounds like you would want to have two different part numbers so that you can track un-drilled and drilled parts separately.

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You could add the OTF part “Drilling” to the job, then issue a Buy To Job PO Line.

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Just define the item as “Other” when creating the PO. You can then add any item or description you like. If you want to track the costs against the job, enter “Job Material” on the line definition, and enter your job number. You can then overwrite the item and description.

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Thanks @Gil_V @ckrusen @tsmith

Gil’s item on set to other was what I was after. all good now.



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