Changing part UOM Conversion Factor

Did you say this is a Part Specific UOM conversion? Or does Class OTHER have a conversion from EA to LB ?

@ckrusen it is a part specific UOM (each part has its own conversion from EA to LB).

We have the same problem and are in need of a solution. You used to be able to unhide some fields in Part Maintenance to override and save a new conversion but they’ve taken that away.

I have noticed in a couple versions that several ‘Conv Factor’ fields showing up in tables around the database, so hopefully they are working on saving the factor with the transaction. This should allow UOM Conversions to be updated.

Mostly the issue revolves around how you value the parts financially. You can’t say that on one week a part is 120 LB to the EA and then another week that same part is 435 LB to the EA… your finance people could end up going to jail (remember Enron?). If this is for multiple part numbers, then the Part Specific UOM designation will save you… but for a single part number you can’t do that.


You are going to have to:

  1. Make a new part specific UOM for Class OTHER, and add it to Part’s UOM list.
  2. Set the Conversion OTHER.LB to inactive.
  3. Update the Reports that use the UOM. Preferably change them to use the Symbol.

What is the exact error message you get when trying to change the conversion factor?

@Jonathan where you specify the UOM Conversion Factor is grayed out so i can’t change it.

So you mean below fields are disabled? I enabled this by marking the Part Specific box on the UOM Class.
I will check if there is any other validation to disable the ConvFactor besides this.



@Jonathan this is what it looks like for me.

Found it, looks like these fields are disabled when PartUOM.HasBeenUsed is true.
There is also a field UOMConv.HasBeenUsed but that is more general.

You can update this to false at your own risk. As mentioned before the factor is pulled from the setup when a transaction needs it so there is a risk of data corruption.

However there could be a case where there are no new transactions for this part and everything active has been closed so no conversion would be needed. Then it is possible the change would not have any unwanted side effects.

Keep in mind I don’t work much with Parts or UOMs so this is only me guessing.

@Jonathan thanks but with how many different parts that are messed up @ckrusen way seems like it will work but there will be alot of code changing to get it to work. it does however seem like the best solution.

Before yopu dive into the really hard way, make sure there is zero QOH of the part before trying to change that Part Specific UOM conversion. A half-assed test I did showed that those are disabled when there QOH. And they re-enabled when the QOH went to zero.

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AND ALSO if there are previous transactions at this level, and now you’re adding NEW transactions at a different level, your Finance department may come looking for you to share their government-supplied accommodations. Make sure you know the full extent of what you’re doing before messing with this stuff.

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I have tried closing all sales orders, closing all jobs and zeroing out QOH and it still will not let me change the UOM conversion factor for a part that needs to be changed. I have probably under 100 parts that need to be changed so I will give the options to my boss and let them make the decision lol.

FWIW - It appears that just using the part and UOM on a PO locks the Part’s UOM conversion factor.

I did some testing on a part with a Part Specific UOM. After several different transaction types, I was still able to change the conversion factor.

  1. Created parttrans via Qty Adj, could still change the factor (even with non-zero QOH)
  2. Used on an Order, could still change the factor
  3. Customer Shipment against the Order, could still change the factor

  1. Created a PO using the Part & UOM, and could no longer change factor
  2. Received the PO (thus closing it), and could no longer change factor

Pretty much anything I tried (unreceiving, reopen PO and change UOM on line, zeroing out QOH, etc…) and the UOM conversion remained locked.

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@ckrusen that doesn’t make since because we would never purchase these parts because we manufacture them and sale them so we wouldn’t create a PO for these parts. I wonder if it has to do with the Default UOM is EA but we still sale it in LB and EA. So when we have a part transaction that requires the use of the UOM conversion factor from EA to LB that is when it locks it so you can’t change it…

But you do make Jobs for them. Which is like a PO, as it is the thing that satisfies the demand for the part. Just a guess…

@ckrusen that is true so that could be a possible reason why it is locked.

Just saw this work around:

@ckrusen I tried that this morning and it doesn’t save when I check the override check box and hit save. when I refresh it after saving it automatically unchecks that box and the ConvFactor is still grayed out.