When printing out our checks from Epicor, the dollar amount that is typed out in letters is not showing up. Ideas where to look?
Verify the report style the user selected is correct and check the report that it points to? If all else fails, retain the dataset and check in SSMS to make sure the field you’re using (such as Calc_DspWordAmt) on the report is populating correctly.
There are a million things that could be going on, but at the end of the day you’re just troubleshooting a report. What have you looked at so far?
I was told she was printing from AP PAyment entry. So from my understanding that is APInvoiceEditList, correct?
So now I am going over those reports in that file and trying to find out what is missing. I’mjust not usre which one it is, 100%.
Boy, they were wrong. I foudn it and I do see the Calc_DspWordAmt in it. Wonder why it isn’t working. I see a CAlc_DspWordAmt1 so I am going to checlk that.
@jstephens This si what we have and it is not working. =ReportItems!txtCalc_DspWordAmt1.Value
I have removed the 1 and it causes and error. Ideas?
That’s what I have on my report too (it’s pretty close to stock). The ReportItems!txtCalc_DspWordAmt1 item is a separate textbox on the report. It’s buried somewhere and I only found it by opening the .rdl file in Notepad++ and searching. In mine, the value is defined as:
=iif( Fields!ApTran_Calc_DspCheckNum.Value = Fields!Calc_DspCheckNum.Value, Fields!Calc_DspWordAmt.Value, Fields!ApTran_Calc_DspWordAmt.Value )
So, what I’d recommend doing is printing a check in a test environment and looking at the values of all of those fields to step through the logic.
Also, there aren’t any visibility rules on that textbox, right?
None. I checked that first.
Mine is defined the exact same way. I don’t know, hoping Epicor tech has some ideas, cause I am out of them.
It definitely is sounding more and more like an issue with data than with the report. If you really want to rule out the report, set the background color of the field or add some static text to make sure it comes through.
Were you ever able to check the values of the data the expression uses?
No, I am not sure how to check the values of the data expressions. This reminds me of when I would write an IIF statement and then nothing showed up only to find out there was nothing to put there anyway. But in this case, it should be there.
Yep - exactly like that.
You can check the values by processing a payment (in a test environment if you have one), specifying the report archive period to be at least a day, printing, and then checking the data in SSMS. The tables should be CheckHed_TableGuid and ApTran_TableGuid in whichever database you store the report data. The TableGuid is retrieved from the System Monitor after the report completes (the guid in the File Name column).
Yeah I can get the TableGuid so data is being sent. However, something somewhere is not giving me the amount in letters.
@aidacra Have you seen this before?
Not specifically, but, I agree that this sounds more like data in the dataset DB than the report itself. I’ll review the case and follow-up with the analyst.
Do the words print when using the standard (built-in) style that E10 ships with?
If yes, then it’s either the RDD or the RDL(The SSRS report).
Does the Custom Report use a different RDD? If not, print them using the Standard style, archiving the dataset for 1 week. Open the custom report style, and preview it using the GUID from the archived print that was done using the Standard style.
If I was a betting man, I’d say that someone clicked the “Sync Data” button on the Report Style.
Technically, yes, this does mean some sort of data is being sent. What are the values of the data being sent though? Did you query those tables in SQL and check what was being passed for the Calc_DspWordAmt and ApTran_Calc_DspWordAmt values? Are they blank? The answer to that will narrow your scope to either the report or the generated data and give Epicor Support a better starting point.
No, the words do not print for standard or Custom. RDD is the same, as I can’t find any others. Thought of that one too. Interstingly, they do work in my test for 10.2.300. I better not find out some did hit the Sync!!
Note: Heading to 10.2.300 in Late Jan.
No, I did not query them in SQL as I am not very well versed and do not want to mess anything up. So, really dependent on Epicor for this one.
Fair enough - everyone has their comfort level.
In this case it’s very low risk because it’s just a query and only accessing your report data database. Here are the steps in case you feel adventurous or it becomes time-critical:
Check which database houses your report data. You can find this in the Epicor Administration Console on the server under Application Server Configuration > Reporting Services > Report Database Name. This is not the SQL Reporting Services database that houses the reports, but rather a database used to stage the temporary data when a report generates.
Connect to the SQL Server in SQL Server Management Studio.
Create a new query (Ctrl + N).
Select the report database from the list of available databases in the top left above the Object Explorer pane.
Click into the query and run the following, substituting your report guid for <<table_guid>>:
SELECT Calc_DspCheckNum, Calc_DspWordAmt FROM CheckHed_<<table_guid>> SELECT Calc_DspCheckNum, Calc_DspWordAmt FROM ApTran_<<table_guid>>
You should be able to follow the logic of the report manually with those values. If the Calc_DspCheckNum values match, then it will use the Calc_DspWordAmt from the CheckHed table, otherwise it will use the Calc_DspWordAmt from the ApTran table.
Something to keep in mind is that part of the “provisioning” of the SSRS Server is to load both report definitions (RDL) and software on to the SSRS machine. I believe that we load a couple of DLLs into the SSRS Bin directory - CLSEpicor.dll and EpiNum2words.dll (we also load supporting files for the Number-to-Words magic).
If someone has “Manually” provisioned the SSRS server with the RDL definitions, it is likely that the Epicor DLLs and support files will be missing. Support should be able to provide additional guidance.
So, i ran these and The words do not appear. From CheckHed is shows x,xxx.xx***************** but never says the words outright.
Then on ApTran, it jsut has th DspWordAmt blank.