Clearing DocStar Credentials

So when we first started DocStar, we used a Username/Pass to authenticate with DocStar. In a cloud-configuration (both E10 and DocStar), each workstation is prompted for the credentials and the recommendation was to click the “Remember Me” box so they didn’t have to re-enter the credentials each time.

Fast forward to yesterday and we implemented LDAP to use our Windows credentials. The trouble is, we don’t know how to clear the previous “Remember Me” flag. It just tries to login, returns an error, and gives no way to change the password.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Mark W.

P.S. I know there’s not a lot of users out there but though that the authenticator rock-star (@Olga) might have some ideas.

Start Shell (or Classic), go to Settings, select Preferences. On General tab in the Attachments group box select Clear DocStar account cache. Click OK.

If you implemented LDAP, then you will also have to remove the line in syconfig that we added last time (or set it to Default):

<DocStarLogonMode value="Default" options="Default|Interactive" />

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Thank you very much @Olga!

(Olga needs a custom badge like Nathan IMHO)

Mark W.

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