I have a configured part, that has subassemblies that are also configured parts. Ideally I would like the subassemblies configurator to be able to set the description and comment fields of its subassembly after configuration. I attempted to do this via document rules (as function correctly with the main configurator) however nothing seems to happen and I’ve tested every “Target Entity” that appears relevant to no avail. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I have the same problem with the sub-assembly description.
I use Record Creation under Configurator Entry to update the part number using a smart string. I believe this can also update the part description, but when I tested this the description was updated in the part master as well for the given part number.
I am able to update the operation comments of the sub assembly through Rule Entry using QuoteOpr.CommentText
Dead thread bump. I have the same issue as the original poster. This seems like a bug to me.
It appears the document rules aren’t triggered for the configured subassemblies. We are in Epicor 10.1.500.0.
Was anyone able to solve or find a way around this?
Update: I was able to update the fields by writing a query and manually changing the table values from the Top level assembly configurator document rules. This is not ideal, but it does work. Any other solutions appreciated.
var PartRecs =
from R in Db.Part
where R.Company == "MINA"
&& R.PartNum == strChildPN
select R;
var PartRec = PartRecs.First();
PartRec.PartDescription = "vibrant text that skillfully describes my part";
Good morning,
I’m just stumbling over this same issue. Thanks @TBoni for the solution posted here.
Anyone aware of a cleaner solution that doesn’t require passing the child part information back up to the Top level configurator?