Context Menu Inconsistency

I’m curious about seemingly inconsistent behavior of the context menu for PartNum.
In Part Maintenance, right click on the PartNum field, I get a context menu that includes Where Used:

In Part Tracker, right click on the same PartNum, I get a context menu that does NOT include Where Used:

The Context Menu Maintenance for PartNum does not include Where Used at all.

Is there some other process that gets an entry added to the Context Menu for a given field?
I looked at Process Calling Maintenance, but couldn’t tell if that is related to this behavior or not.
(I’m on 10.2.700.10, I don’t know if this occurred in previous versions or not. Someone just brought it to my attention now.)

I believe that some of the context menu options are hard coded by Epicor. The one that really brought me to this realization is the context menu for Ship To in Order Entry. If there is no Ship To Num in the field it takes you one place and if there is one it takes you to another.