COS/WIP balance issue

When I ran the COS/WIP Reconciliation and I’m out of balance. I’ve narrowed it down to a particular shipment - It appears that the part did not have a part group assigned at the time of shipment. So how can I go back and correct that after the fact? The shipment has been made and the part has been invoiced…

The transaction is probably hung up in the Review Journal. Delete the review journal, and run the INV/WIP Recon again.

I’m not sure if ProdGrp would effect the STK-CUS or MFG-CUS transaction. I think ProdGrp isn’t used until the invoicing step. The shipment step should have only done transactions between INV (or WIP) and COS (or an accrual acct, if one is used).

And even without a ProdGrp, the GL Acct would have have been pulled from the next rung on the hierarchy ladder.

Ah…that makes sense. Ok then I’m still stumped. I know they day it happened and my Inv/WIP report just for STK-CUS transactions is the one that is out of balance. A purchased part shipped from stock but there is no entry in the COGS account for that amount… I’m stumped on how I fix that.

We had a somewhat similar issue where the TranGLC record for the PO got messed up, and when the Posting Engine would (which is used for both Inv/WIP Recon and Capture COS), there was no acct to satisfy half the transaction.

  1. Turn on PE log for COSAndWIP

  2. Re-run the Inv/WIP Recon report, for just unposted transaction of the type STK-CUS. If you know the date of the offending transaction, limit the report to that date too.

  3. View the latest PE log entry, looking for errors (they’ll be in red text)

Found the problem! When the sales order was entered the part being sold did not have a product group assigned - it wasn’t typically a part that we would sell so it only had a part class. The product group was added but it had to actually be added on the Sales order. Once I did that my error on that cleared. I still have a $0.01 difference in totals though… which I feel like is a rounding issue but that’s today’s battle.


Somethings not right if the lack of a ProdGrp would cause a bad GL tran. There should be a GLC setup in your Company Config (or Maintenance, can’t keep those two straight). And if you really want a ProdGrp to be mandatory, make a BPM on SalesOrder.