Cost is showing Double

When we are attaching PO’s to the project. Cost is showing double.

Is the PO for a job that is also linked to the project?

We are raising normal PO’s. Not raising for Job.

Projects have phases and each phase has a project phase job. When you attach something to a project, it will be associated with the phase job. This is how Epicor collects costs on projects. The project expense is realized either through revenue recognition or when the phase job is closed.

If you have open-ended projects, you’re better off creating an Indirect Code and charging the expense in that period and just report the costs against the Indirect Code.

You can’t have it both ways. If it’s on a project, it will be put into WIP and expensed later. If you expense it right away, it can’t be on a project.

Mark W.

So if a PO is for something scheduled to be in Phase 1, but isn’t received until Phase 2, is it only costed for phase 1 - even though there was no real cost until the receipt?

If the PO was attached to Phase 1, scheduling doesn’t matter. It’s Phase 1. You can always have multiple phases open at a time. Trailing costs is a part of the life of Projects in general. By the way, you can close a Phase but leave the associated phase jobs
open and still collect costs.

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If the PO is received to Inventory, then yes, the costs will be doubled. We have run into that several times at different clients… any Inventory PO attached to a Project will have its cost added to the project BOTH at receipt time and then again when it is issued to a Job that is also attached to a Project.

In order to correctly cost a purchased job material item to a Project it must be bought directly to the job and NOT go through inventory.

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