Credit hold to effect only new orders

Hello all. I’m newer to Epicor (about 5 month of experience), and I have been asked to find a solution to the following issue. Our company uses the credit hold system, but as it functions out of the box, once a customer exceeds the hold all orders are then put on hold. What we would like is for only newly created orders to be placed on hold, and any orders in process staying off credit holds. Any tips, suggestions, or solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your time!

I’d probably start out with the basic behavior of the CreditHold (Customer) and CreitOverride (Orders) fields, find out how do you currently manager credit hold orders?
If currently using Customer Credit Manager only to manage Sales Orders, I might add an updateabel BAQ before I’d try automating SO creditoverride settings. (assuming you don’t already have UBAQ).

Once you’ve identified all existing components and conditions, you should then be able to add automation - BPM triggered when Customer.CreditHold changes from False to True.

Sample below of simple UBAQ to list open orders for credit hold customers - where the CreditOverRide column is updateable. Can be a little easier than using the Custom Credit Manager.

Are you using the “Include Open Orders in Credit” option at the Customer level?

It doesn’t exactly fit your problem. But may affect when customers are being put on hold because of new (and yet to be fulfilled) orders.

Hi Calvin,

Yes we are using Include open orders. I may bring that up with management and see if that is how they wish to proceed on this.

Hello Bruce,

I’ll definitely give this a try and see where it leads me. I appreciate the guidance!