Filter your crystal report by one part (temporarily) that has the duplicate lines…smaller data transactions better for troubleshooting…
Copy your report and start with only two tables, part tran and one other – duplicates or not? If not, add next table…Etc
From: [] On Behalf Of clederer@...
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 2:26 PM
To: Karen Schoenung;
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Crystal Report Copying Tables/Fields Incorrectly
1. I have 4 tables joined by company (We have multiple companies) and PartNum
2. I am not grouping and I have the TransDate & SysDate both on the report and they are the same.
--- In, Karen Schoenung <kschoenung@...> wrote:
> 1 - something in your joins (either in the BAQ/RDD or in Crystal) is the likely cause
> 2 - Are you grouping? There are built in groups for dates for things like week, maybe month, etc...Are you viewing both the transaction date and the system date (hidden in part tracker usually without a personalization) - are those different?
> From: [] On Behalf Of clederer@...
> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Crystal Report Copying Tables/Fields Incorrectly
> Creating a Crystal Report from scratch and having a couple issues. The data fields I'm pulling are from "Part Transaction History Tracker." Two things are happening with my data that I can't explain.
> 1. My data is getting repeated in random instances. For example, a quantity of 12 on 9/25/13 in "Part Transaction History Tracker" turns into 2 Quantities of 12 in the Crystal Report I'm creating.
> 2. The dates in the "Part Transaction History Tracker" are difference then the dates that are listed in my report.
> For example, a quantity of 12 on 9/25/13 in "Part Transaction History Tracker" turns into not only 2 Quantities of 12 in the Crystal Report I'm creating, but the dates are now 8/1/13 on both of those transactions.