Current User

Okay, I have searched this forum and am trying to use this code but keep getting an error about Core does not exist in the namespace Ice.

//All - Current User
	private void iniuser()
		Ice.Core.Session Session = (Ice.Core.Session)MainController.Session;
        //function for setting a field to the current user to be used for anything later
        String iniuser = Session.UserID;

You need the assembly reference.

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CurrentUserID is also available from the CallContextClientData table.

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Just wanted to follow up on what these fine gents have said.

To use Ice.Core.Session, you need to reference (Ref Assembly Manager): Ice.Core.Session.DLL in your client folder

For the CallContext you can access like this:

var CCCData = oTrans.Factory("CallContextClientData");
var user = CCCData.dataView[CCCData.Row]["CurrentUserId"].ToString();
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