Customer Create ShipToNum


Not sure if I accidentally grabbed my Bad Idea Jeans this morning.

One of the things that has ALWAYS bothered me is that Epicor creates a record in the ShipTo table with the ShipToNum = “” when you first create a Customer. It is annoying, confusing, and (I think) promotes a misunderstanding of Ship To for users. I do not know how many times I have had to explain why a user can’t edit the Ship To info for the initial record. To date, I have not found anything that is beneficial for this functionality. I also HATE how if you use the Context menu in Ship To fields it takes you to Customer Maintenance when it = “” and to Customer Ship To Maintenance when it has a value. :rage:

That being said, I thought I would try something today and am not sure if it is a good or bad idea. I put an In Transaction DD on the ShipTo table that checks to see if the ShipToNum of an Added Row equals “”; if it does, replace it with “001”. It worked and everything looks good, but I am still concerned that there is going to some issue that this causes.

I was wondering if someone else has ever tried this? Or if someone knows that this is just bad to do.

Thanks in advance.

If you think it is worth it and as long as it is set as the primary ship to I don’t think there should be an issue.

However, and I’m not saying there is, there could be some piece of code somewhere that assumes there has to be a record with ShipToNum blank, why? well because we know that’s how it is supposed to work.

I’ve not tried anything like that, but do share you hatred for the initial shiptonum being ""

One thing you should check, is the Customer.ShipToNum in the customer record. If that DD just forces the "" to 001, and the Customer.ShipToNum is stil "", that might cause problems when the system cant find the matching ShipTo record.

It’s a very bad idea. Further testing provides an error when trying to alter that Ship To record.

Inner Exception: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK_ShipTo’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘Erp.ShipTo’. The duplicate key value is (GTR, 266, 001).
The statement has been terminated.