Not sure if I accidentally grabbed my Bad Idea Jeans this morning.
One of the things that has ALWAYS bothered me is that Epicor creates a record in the ShipTo table with the ShipToNum = “” when you first create a Customer. It is annoying, confusing, and (I think) promotes a misunderstanding of Ship To for users. I do not know how many times I have had to explain why a user can’t edit the Ship To info for the initial record. To date, I have not found anything that is beneficial for this functionality. I also HATE how if you use the Context menu in Ship To fields it takes you to Customer Maintenance when it = “” and to Customer Ship To Maintenance when it has a value.
That being said, I thought I would try something today and am not sure if it is a good or bad idea. I put an In Transaction DD on the ShipTo table that checks to see if the ShipToNum of an Added Row equals “”; if it does, replace it with “001”. It worked and everything looks good, but I am still concerned that there is going to some issue that this causes.
I was wondering if someone else has ever tried this? Or if someone knows that this is just bad to do.
Thanks in advance.