Customization - Changing Ready Message on UD Form

@jstephens: You could also use this to show progress, if you want to be in someones face.

FormFunctions.LoadSplash("Printing Labels...");
FormFunctions.CloseSplash(); // Later

That makes complete sense! And I actually ran into that issue. Thank you so much for showing me how to call the panels by name! :slight_smile:

Thank you @jstephens! That was really a great explanation of “popping” (I’m so afraid I’m going to misspell that word if ya know what I mean! No spellchecker is going to help you with that! LOL :poop:) that I will never forget, especially when you started talking about Legos! I totally understand Legos! :wink:


Edit: I just thought of a new song for “popping” in the context of Legos!
I push a block on and then I “pop” it off, singing AyyyO it’s LIFO! (snort laugh)

Ah! I get it now! Really cool! Thank you!!! You make this stuff seem so easy @hkeric.wci. I really appreciate your code examples (and comments!) to best understand how it works. Thank you ALL so much for your help! :slight_smile: