Complete Newbie here on Customizing a UD Form but just curious, is there a way to program the “Ready” message at the bottom of a form to say something like Successfully Processed: Job.Assembly.Operation (as shown below). Can anyone give me some idea of how this can be accomplished? I wanted to give some indication of the last record that was processed instead of presenting a pop-up window that the user would have to respond to (Click OK) every time.
Thank you for any help anyone can give me on this!
But is there not a potential issue if she isnt Popping the message stack? If this is intended to be done multiple times you might want to either consider setting a flag to show you pushed a status, so before pushing another you can pop it. Otherwise, maybe just use reflection on:
@Chris_Conn, thank you so much for sharing that great post by @hkeric.wci and your thoughts! It was especially fun to play around with the Marquee settings! I love that and will have to incorporate that in other places!
Like I said I’m a newbie to form customization (if you saw my code, you’d probably gag) but I did a combination of the PushStatusText and @hkeric.wci’s code and it seems to be working the way I need it:
I might need to change the wording a little…not everyone appreciates my humor around here.
Thank you guys so much! How do I mark all of your posts as the solution?
Ok, it’s sad that I entertain myself with this stuff when I should be doing other more constructive things but I now have it randomly generating a few different (silly) messages to the user. LMBO!
Hi. Nice customization. When I customize these forms like the images you have shown, there is way to remove the side panels and even toolbar menu. You can take control over these unwanted objects and dispose them ……
Here is template of what I use:
public class Script
Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiTreeViewPanel tree;
Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox searchbox;
Ice.UI.App.UD35Entry.ListPanel listpane;
Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiButton btnsearch;
Ice.UI.App.UD35Entry.UD35Form mainmenu;
PS: I’ll port those Posts to E10Help, because LinkedIn is no place for snippets I mean the Markup is horrible, I was just experimenting with some blogging.
@ERPSysAdmin obviously if you want to change the Text in any other portion of your code then you use
// Assuming you stored ultraStatusBar1 is global
// Check if Panel Exists ultraStatusBar1.Panels.Exists("MyPanelID");
this.ultraStatusBar1.Panels["MyPanelID"].Text = "Updating Text.....";
// Or use
((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinStatusBar.UltraStatusBar)oTrans.StatusPanel.UltraStatusBar).Panels["ID"].Text = "Hello";
Thank you @hkeric.wci! I was struggling to figure out how to grab the panel later on and change the text. That’s awesome and very helpful! I did make my ultraStatusBar1 global and (I’m not able to see my code right now) but I think I’m using something like …Panels[1]… to pull from the array. But I like your suggestion even better because I noticed that the element number changes for some users who have say the date displayed at the bottom of their MES windows. Excited to try this! Thank you very much!!!
Edit: Ok guys, I give up… I was going to research it but since you guys mentioned it, what is “popping” the message stack and why would you want/need to do it? Does it accumulate the messages and you have to “pop” or clear the stack? Do you need to “pop it like its hot”!?..LOL
LOL! Maaaaybe…
Maybe I’ll do something for April fools or to announce someone’s birthday!
Edit: Like Mine! It might go a little something like this: Today is your ERPSysAdmin’s birthday! Please feel free to shower her desk, very quietly and anonymously, with high-dollar VISA and Amazon gift cards to show your appreciation to her and ALL she does around this place.
Hmmm…that may be a little too wordy for the marquee.
Oh man… I started following this thread in hopes of learning a few new tricks (and I did - thanks @hkeric.wci) and it has quickly become the best thing I’ve read all week!
Since nobody else has gotten back to you on this, “pop” just means to remove the last added item from the stack. Think of it like a tower of Lego bricks. You “push” a new brick onto the top of the stack and then “pop” them off one at a time from the top down (LIFO) revealing the brick underneath. There’s a more thorough, yet not terribly technical, explanation of stacks here if you want to delve deeper: C# Stack Examples - Dot Net Perls
If you don’t keep popping them, you will remain on the wrong Status. Thats why when possible just use the PushDisposableStatusText with a using() block, but thats not always possible, if you want to update the status from within various methods then you use PushStatusText.
// Status Text: Ready
this.oTrans.PushStatusText("Cat.."); // Status Text: Cat...
this.oTrans.PushStatusText("Mouse.."); // Status Text: Mouse...
this.oTrans.PopStatus(); // Status Text: Cat...
this.oTrans.PopStatus(); // Status Text: Ready