There are certainly lots of ways to accomplish what you are looking for here. As some have suggested, pulling this in as a view or adding some code to just look it up might save you a UD field but there is no reason what you are trying to do won't work as well. If you just want to slap the data into some bound UD fields I would suggest doing a simple BPM that populates the data into them for you. A pre-processing on JobEntry.Update with an ABL action like this should do the trick:
for each ttJobAsmbl where ttJobAsmbl.ShortChar01 = '':
for first Part fields(ShortChar01) where Part.Company = cur-comp and Part.PartNum = ttJobAsmbl.PartNum no-lock:
ttJobAsmbl.ShortChar01 = Part.ShortChar01.
for each ttJobMtl where ttJobMtl.ShortChar01 = '':
for first Part fields(ShortChar01) where Part.Company = cur-comp and Part.PartNum = ttJobMtl.PartNum no-lock:
ttJobMtl.ShortChar01 = Part.ShortChar01.
Good luck!
There are certainly lots of ways to accomplish what you are looking for here. As some have suggested, pulling this in as a view or adding some code to just look it up might save you a UD field but there is no reason what you are trying to do won't work as well. If you just want to slap the data into some bound UD fields I would suggest doing a simple BPM that populates the data into them for you. A pre-processing on JobEntry.Update with an ABL action like this should do the trick:
for each ttJobAsmbl where ttJobAsmbl.ShortChar01 = '':
for first Part fields(ShortChar01) where Part.Company = cur-comp and Part.PartNum = ttJobAsmbl.PartNum no-lock:
ttJobAsmbl.ShortChar01 = Part.ShortChar01.
for each ttJobMtl where ttJobMtl.ShortChar01 = '':
for first Part fields(ShortChar01) where Part.Company = cur-comp and Part.PartNum = ttJobMtl.PartNum no-lock:
ttJobMtl.ShortChar01 = Part.ShortChar01.
Good luck!
--- In, "sarauscher" <scrausch2@...> wrote:
> I have ShortChar field on the Part Table that I want to drive into job entry on both Material and Assembly screens. I am very green at this and looked at the existing part number filed as a guide to set this up. It appears that the part number is using an EpiBinding field of JobMtl.PartNum and a EpiControl of Part.PartNum. So I set up the new field on the Material Tab under Job entry and set the EpicBinding Field of JobMtl.ShorChar01 and the EpiControl of Part.ShorChar01. However the data on the part maintenance screen under ShorChar01 is not pulling through and populating the Job Entry Material Tab. Any suggestions or tips on what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks.