I am still having problems trying to get the Operations section
(JopOprLabel) to jump to a new page. I thought I finally had it when
I used the following programming statement under the New Page Before
property in the section expert:
If ({JobOper.OPRSEQ}) = "10" then DefaultAttribute
One of the Subassembly components detail records printed on a page by
itself and then the Operations section jumped to a new page and
looked fine.
However, the strangest thing happened when I then viewed the traveler
in Vantage. The changes I had made to jump to a new page appeared to
be completely ignored.
Has anyone else encountered this difference in the appearance of the
traveler, or other form, when viewed in Crystal Reports versus in
Can anyone suggest a better way to accomplish the page break in a
detail section?
Brent O'Donnell
(JopOprLabel) to jump to a new page. I thought I finally had it when
I used the following programming statement under the New Page Before
property in the section expert:
If ({JobOper.OPRSEQ}) = "10" then DefaultAttribute
One of the Subassembly components detail records printed on a page by
itself and then the Operations section jumped to a new page and
looked fine.
However, the strangest thing happened when I then viewed the traveler
in Vantage. The changes I had made to jump to a new page appeared to
be completely ignored.
Has anyone else encountered this difference in the appearance of the
traveler, or other form, when viewed in Crystal Reports versus in
Can anyone suggest a better way to accomplish the page break in a
detail section?
Brent O'Donnell