So I will admit, I did not read the help file before I posted it, but I figured you didn’t either 
It is a little vague. They are leaving out a couple key things, and doing a copy pasted instead of showing how you would do it normally. (Kind of like a passenger in your car saying “turn left here” instead of “turn left on 10th street”. They both work, but if they aren’t in the car the next time, the added detail helps.
First you need to make the button with the tools. in the help it says “select an open button”, like there would already be one there??? You will have to find a place to put the button. For us, we added a tab (see the sheet editor wizard in customization) for a place to put these buttons since most of the real estate was already taken up. Use the tool box to make a button and set the text and properties.
Then you need to use the wizard to make a click event. The click event wizard will make this for you on the script editor. (The help just has you copy it and set the GUID’s, but it’s better/easier to just let the wizard to it for you if you can. And in this case you can.)
private void MvWipButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
Then you add this line.
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, "MvWip");
so it looks like this.
private void MvWipButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, "MvWip");
that should be it.
After looking at the help code, just don’t use that code. The wizard will set things up better for you, and it using that process will help you in other areas too…
You just need to do that to get a menu ID. If you already have one from the full client, you don’t need to do that. If you don’t have that dashboard in the full client, and you don’t want that menu item, then make a menu item in the Processes folder.
More reference.
This is where the tool box is to make a button.

Here is where you set up the event handler for the button you make.
This is the tab where you would make new tabs. (do this first if you’re going to, as it’s really hard to move buttons from tab to tab)