Dashboard URL/XSLT View Download config

I have a dashboard which utilizes a URL view to open up a specific custom SSRS report.
When I use the control option to save the report to PDF, it launches Internet Explorer :face_vomiting:.
Is there a configuration setting in Epicor to specify how this report is downloaded, specifically from the URL/XSLT View dashboard control?


It should use the viewer that you have set default on your machine. I don’t think there’s a way to make the customization control it separately from the windows defaults. Or at least I haven’t figured out how to yet.

Edit and I just realized you were talking about SSRS stuff, and all I know about it viewing a PDF Ina dashboard so take my response with a grain of salt.

Thanks, yeah it’s weird I can’t figure out why it’s using ie since my machine is set to use chrome pretty much for everything.

You use chrome to view PDF?

Not always but sometimes. It’s using ie to download tho and also opens up an Ie browser in addition to the download window


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Has anyone else run into this? This topic came up again and I’m confused why it’s launching IE as it’s default browser

@Aaron_Moreng Did you have any luck with this?

Hey Alexander, welcome!
I’m sadly not on Epicor anymore and don’t specifically remember if I did or not. That was pre-windows 11 as well, so it’s hard to say.

It’s because it’s hardcoded to use the WebBrowser control to open that report.

You are already in Internet Explorer.