Default Join between PartOpr and PartRev Busted

I don’t know what was in the water this weekend at Epicor but this morning everything is falling apart for us.

Drop these two tables in a BAQ

Select Some fields and run it

… just won’t return any results

After 2 hours of decompiling… it appears its stupid ProcessManufacturing link? (Which Epicor does by itself…)

Remove that from the join and all is well. :unamused:

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I don’t think it stops there. I was getting that with PartMtl also. And then with PartOpDtl when joined to PartOpr.

Yeah, ran into that one myself a few times.

Have had the same problem but with different tables as well.

I had commented about that on the Epicor Idea that @timshuwy made about joins.

But you may want to add a comment also to throw more support behind this.


Do you have a call number? I will chase it down.

It’s been that way since sometime mid-late last year. Quick fix for someone who’s fluent in SQL, but one of the reasons I don’t like or trust the canned automated joins.

It’s documented in KB0131700. They said to create an Idea.

I had put it in your join Idea on Feb 21.

I guess it should get its own Idea?