Delete Part Warehouse Records

Has anyone deleted or inactivated Part Warehouse records? We are Standard Cost so the cost roll writes a PartTran record for every single Part Warehouse record that exists.

We also share your pain with this one. The only suggestion I can give is to not create a revision until absolutely needed.
In my experience, no PartTran record will be created until a revision is present.
We’ve never seen any ability to delete a PartTran record.


We received some bad advice at our implementation, so we had to completely reconfigure all of our warehouses. I wrote some customizations, where we used a UD checkbox on the Warehse and the PartWhse tables to show an inactive status, then used them with screen customizations to hide them. However, I have begrudgingly deleted a PartWhse record that was invalid for the plant, only after making sure that there were no referencing PartTran records (Epicor said there were, but I checked in SQL and there were not.)