Demand Header Locked 10.1.400

Looking for Ideas - I went to import an EDI release and one of the Parts had a hold flag on in the part master.
I turned off the hold flag and saved. Then I went into demand entry and saw the the demand header was locked and the line for the part that was on hold was system rejected.I see the same error in the demand workbench. I tried to unlock the demand header but the action menus are greyed out in demand entry. I cant unlock it. I cant delete the affected schedules.
The contract is not locked. Any suggestions appreciated. Epicor has not responded to my question so I am wondering if anyone else has ran across this dilema. Thanks in advance. Rich Gorske Pioneer Products INC.

Solved my issue - in the workbench I chose set ready to process. Then I processed the demand and received an un posted demand error next. Deleted the schedules in demand entry and re-processed and it worked.

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