Design SSRS Report disabled in system monitor

I am set as a report designer, and I can upload/download them fine, but this menu item is disabled for me. What should I look for?


Did you generate the report using the “Generate for Design” option?

Would that be this disabled menu item? :thinking:

It’s this one, when you’re submitting a print job.

OK, I didn’t see that in the help file at first. Is there a way to see the data as you are designing or is it just a slightly faster version the current process I was using of making changes, uploading, and then print previewing?

It doesn’t give you a direct view of the data, but it does the uploading and previewing for you with one button press. I find that it’s a lot easier, especially when you’re troubleshooting and making a simple change then previewing multiple times.

It does give you the GUID of the report tables in the report database, if you have access to the database through SSMS, so you can query those tables to see the data yourself.

Well, it is faster, but not quite as epic as I was hoping then.

Nope, we are on Epicors MT so we share a database with other customers.

Also not a direct way, but you can create a Report Style that is Crystal and download the Crystal XML dataset. You can’t use it in your report but if you just want to check to see if the data is there…

All SaaS users (MT or Public Cloud) do not have access to SSMS.

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