Thank you, apparently it is possible. Here is the full list:
Command line help
Usage: DMT.exe [options]
Specifies the username to connect with
Specifies the password to connect with
Specifies which config file should be used, if not specified then default.sysconfig is assumed
Specifies Single Sign On
Specifies if the detailed exception should be included in the error log file. Valid values are True or False.Helpful when reporting error to Epicor
This will run DMT without a User Interface, this supports being run from a scheduled task
This will disable the DMT update service
Indicates that records should be added
Indicates that records should be updated
Indicates that records should be deleted
This will enable tracing in Epicor
Forces DMT to use ODBC to read import data, use if errors occur on data load
Exports format of all imports to specified file
Set to xml to export imports to xml rather than csv
Sets delimiter for import files
Specifies the Import to run
Specifies the import source file
Specifies the location of an assembly containing a method to convert the data before importing
When set to TRUE this will disable the Complete Log
When set to TRUE this will disable the Error Log
When set to TRUE this will disable the Error Input Log
Executes PlayList through command line with specified import source file
Executes PlayBook through command line with specified import source file
When Export is set and Import is not, this tells DMT to perform a BAQ Export.
The name of the BAQ to run in BAQ Export mode.
The file path of the output file to create in BAQ Export Mode.
The number of records to read from the BAQ at a time. Larger = faster. Smaller = less memory. Default 10000.
Include this flag to use the BAQ Field Name rather than Field Label.
Splitter Help β
DMT can be used to split a CSV file into multiple files.
3 arguments must be supplied
This should follow the syntax
-split -input=[InputFile] -files=[FileCount]
-split -input=C:\DMTDiff\Input.csv -files=10
This will save the data from Input.csv in 10 new csv files in the same folder.
Following the format C:\DMTDiff\Input_XX.csv.
-split β required to run the split tool.
[InputFile] β The file you wish to split
[FileCount] β How many new CSV files you wish to create (Must be a number)
Paths can also be relative if they exist in the same folder as the application