This is how much RAM you should set in SQL.
(Available – 8)\2
From: []
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 2:44 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: E10: How to stop DB and "App Server"
Is it the database server or IIS taking up your RAM? You can stop the ERP 10 application pool in the IIS Admin tool. Open the Internet Information Services Manager, open the Application Pools node in the treeview, find the Erp10 application pool (the name may be slightly different), and choose the option to stop the app pool.
You can also open a command line and stop *all of IIS* using this command: iisreset /stop
If SQL Server is consuming memory as well, you can stop and then restart SQL Server in the Services admin tool or using the command line: net stop mssqlserver followed by net start mssqlserver
You can configure SQL Server to limit the amount of RAM it consumes overall in SQL Manager. It's worth doing on a test machine. Left alone, SQL Server assumes it can take whatever RAM and CPU cores it feels it needs.