Hi All,
I have a query in E9 that reads the OTS field in ShipHead (OTSAddress1, OTSCity, OTSState, etc).
It looks like in E10, they have removed these fields and now there is just a pointer back to the associated sales order.
I just wanted to check to see if I’m understanding this correctly.
I’ll have to test this a bit but this seems a little concerning because if someone were to change the OTS information on the sales order after the shipment was shipped, then we would not be able to tell where the shipment was originally shipped to.
Joe Rojas
Director of Information Technology
(781) 408-9278 Mobile
(781) 573-0291 Local
(781) 232-5191 Fax
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I have a query in E9 that reads the OTS field in ShipHead (OTSAddress1, OTSCity, OTSState, etc).
It looks like in E10, they have removed these fields and now there is just a pointer back to the associated sales order.
I just wanted to check to see if I’m understanding this correctly.
I’ll have to test this a bit but this seems a little concerning because if someone were to change the OTS information on the sales order after the shipment was shipped, then we would not be able to tell where the shipment was originally shipped to.
Joe Rojas
Director of Information Technology
(781) 408-9278 Mobile
(781) 573-0291 Local
(781) 232-5191 Fax
[http://matsinc.com/images/e-mail-signatures/graphics/logo_matsinc.png%5d<http://matsinc.com> [http://matsinc.com/images/e-mail-signatures/graphics/icon_twitter.png%5d <http://twitter.com/Mats_Inc> [http://matsinc.com/images/e-mail-signatures/graphics/icon_facebook.png%5d <http://www.facebook.com/commercial.flooring> [http://matsinc.com/images/e-mail-signatures/graphics/icon_youtube.png%5d <http://www.youtube.com/user/MatsIncTV> [http://matsinc.com/images/e-mail-signatures/graphics/icon_pinterest.png%5d <http://www.pinterest.com/contractfloors/> [http://matsinc.com/images/e-mail-signatures/graphics/icon_blog.png%5d <http://matsinc.com/blog>
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