E9.05.607B MRP Question

Am not sure on E9 but we are on Vantage 8 and MRP will not generate demand if the Sales Release is not marked as Firm. If you enter your forecast quantities in the Forecast Entry program then MRP does generate demand but not as Unfirm forecast in Sales Order Entry.

Hope this makes sense and is similar enough to your version to help!

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "lilj8069" <lilj8069@...> wrote:
> We're not seeing our MRP runs generating jobs for demands we have in the system. Does MRP generate jobs for sales order releases that are not marked as firm? We currently put in forecast quantities and leave them marked as unfirm expecting the system to generate jobs for the quantities required. When the shipping date nears and we receive a firm shipping quantity from the customer, we change the release quantity up or down and mark the line firm. Is this the correct way we should handle this in Epicor? We're having serious MRP issues with demand for material and jobs.
> Thanks,
> --John Kreger
> IS Manager - TCR Engineered Components, LLC
We're not seeing our MRP runs generating jobs for demands we have in the system. Does MRP generate jobs for sales order releases that are not marked as firm? We currently put in forecast quantities and leave them marked as unfirm expecting the system to generate jobs for the quantities required. When the shipping date nears and we receive a firm shipping quantity from the customer, we change the release quantity up or down and mark the line firm. Is this the correct way we should handle this in Epicor? We're having serious MRP issues with demand for material and jobs.

--John Kreger
IS Manager - TCR Engineered Components, LLC
Good Day John:

How long have you been on E9? on 607B? did it work before 607B?

The system will not plan until the need date is within the 'fence'
of the Lead-Time of the part;
so if: [Forcaste Date] - [Lead time] is > today,
MRP will not plan the order since you do not have to start it yet.

I am not familiar with all the settings, because do not do
forecasting, but I have seen this happen on some Sales Orders with dates
way in the future; but you can still get them to show if you pick the
correct dates for Process-MRP and essential tell it to order everything;
but that somewhat deletes the whole idea of forecasting. My real concern
would is if the 'real lead time" when you consider the components may
not be in stock, is used; that is does it do a CTP ( capable to promise)
for all layers.

Sun is on 9.05.605 since 10/2/11 - SQL-Unidata
Live on 9.05.601B since 11/29/10
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of lilj8069
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:23 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] E9.05.607B MRP Question

We're not seeing our MRP runs generating jobs for demands we have in the
system. Does MRP generate jobs for sales order releases that are not
marked as firm? We currently put in forecast quantities and leave them
marked as unfirm expecting the system to generate jobs for the
quantities required. When the shipping date nears and we receive a firm
shipping quantity from the customer, we change the release quantity up
or down and mark the line firm. Is this the correct way we should handle
this in Epicor? We're having serious MRP issues with demand for material
and jobs.

--John Kreger
IS Manager - TCR Engineered Components, LLC

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I concur, I might add as well that I think that the logic of the PO suggestion date parameter under the PO suggestion form is a bit backwards in that the date represents the due date of the part, not the order date of the part. This forces you to range out much father, supporting what you were alluding to.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Phone

-----Original message-----
From: Len Hartka <len.hartka@...>
To: "vantage@yahoogroups.com" <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 30, 2012 18:36:59 GMT+00:00
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9.05.607B MRP Question

Good Day John:

How long have you been on E9? on 607B? did it work before 607B?

The system will not plan until the need date is within the 'fence'
of the Lead-Time of the part;
so if: [Forcaste Date] - [Lead time] is > today,
MRP will not plan the order since you do not have to start it yet.

I am not familiar with all the settings, because do not do
forecasting, but I have seen this happen on some Sales Orders with dates
way in the future; but you can still get them to show if you pick the
correct dates for Process-MRP and essential tell it to order everything;
but that somewhat deletes the whole idea of forecasting. My real concern
would is if the 'real lead time" when you consider the components may
not be in stock, is used; that is does it do a CTP ( capable to promise)
for all layers.

Sun is on 9.05.605 since 10/2/11 - SQL-Unidata
Live on 9.05.601B since 11/29/10
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com> [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf
Of lilj8069
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:23 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [Vantage] E9.05.607B MRP Question

We're not seeing our MRP runs generating jobs for demands we have in the
system. Does MRP generate jobs for sales order releases that are not
marked as firm? We currently put in forecast quantities and leave them
marked as unfirm expecting the system to generate jobs for the
quantities required. When the shipping date nears and we receive a firm
shipping quantity from the customer, we change the release quantity up
or down and mark the line firm. Is this the correct way we should handle
this in Epicor? We're having serious MRP issues with demand for material
and jobs.

--John Kreger
IS Manager - TCR Engineered Components, LLC

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]