Edge Agent (for Kinetic UX in the Browser)

Thanks, Calvin. Totally agree with you, but I have thismuchextratimelately so I should have done better this time. :persevere:

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Yes, all SaaS customers need to request it. Not just MT.

When it is finally enabled, you will have to set up the network printers again as the setup for Edge Agent network printers is different than on-prem.

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Well … The question was if it had been seen in the documentation. Not if actually need to be done or not. :wink:

Which lead to the OP’s frustration of spending a whole day trying to do something that was implied you could do, but never explicitly being told that you needed to request it.

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Poorly worded. I should have just said “Yes.” instead of “Yes,”. It is documented in the help.


I am interested in this aspect of the Edge Agent…does this mean, for example:
I can have a function that can create a file and save it on the users local machine ?

this is a desire because I have a customization in Classic Epicor that creates an “.eml” file that then pops open for the user so the user can tweak it before hitting send…I would like to have that functionality in Kinetic Web (I assume, it wouldn’t pop open in this case, but the user would have to open it from the downloads toolbar at the bottom of the browser)

This isn’t an Edge Agent thing. You can have the function return the file back from the call then use something like this to have it pop up on the browser and the user can click / launch it in Outlook

If you’re a Microsoft 365 users, you can also create drafts using REST and avoid the user interaction with the file system altogether saving several clicks for the user.

Until they patch it out :imp:

I’m interested in a lot of aspects of the edge agent.

If we can take it over and customize it, lots of things are more easily possible,
without having to completely roll your own agents/install extra software.

In my situation this looks the most promising, will give it a try…thanks
(and if they take it away, oh well)

Tell me :popcorn:

Have you gone out to the company’s website to see the documentation they have? qz | Home

I will try when I can think straight again. I think @dr_dan gave me the flu.

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I did peruse it a few weeks ago. Didn’t have time to dig into it.

What about adding or updating the Allowed URLs?
Like adding Test & Pilot environments after the initial install?
Or when switching servers?
So far the only way I could work out how to do this is to rerun the installer (if you still have it since if the Web Client detects the Edge Agent, no matter the environment access it does not provide the download again)


CAVEAT: I’m Making some assumptions that it will work if you change / add to that array.

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I notice it has Tray calls, how far can you take it… input and output trays per data from User Tables?

would much prefer to have this installed per site as opposed to every user

Is it possible to open a folder in explorer via the edge agent?

More explicitly: we have a common mapped drive with a folder structure, I’m wanting to be able to pop open sub folders from within that structure open in explorer from epicor, I naively tried the url open widget in app studio with file:///X:/myfolder/… as the parameter but of course browsers don’t allow that… though they do allow mailto:// and tel:// links so happy days there.

No the edge agent will launch attachments but it won’t open folders… Unless you can attach a folder but that would be a stretch

Installed edge agent but client print not active. Any idea why?