I am using SSRS print routing to send order acknowledgments to each person listed in SalesRepList on OrderHed. Open to any suggestions but my specific question is this:
Using In-Transaction DD on OrderHed, I am setting a variable
for the first SalesRepCode from the list. I can then take that and set a field on OrderHed equal to the sales reps email address and from there everything works. My problem is our orders can have anywhere from 1-4 reps on them, and if I try to set another variable for the 2nd item in the SalesRepList, and there isn’t one, I get the ‘IndexOutOfRangeException’ error. Any suggestions on how to evaluate if the value is there before trying to set the variable?
I also considered setting a variable or BPMContext to the number of entries in SalesRepList and using that as a condition, but was unable to get it working.